Explanation of terms
Here you will find explanations of the most important terms relating to Respifit S. Should you require further information, please ask us. We will be happy to help you.
Here you will find explanations of the most important terms relating to Respifit S. Should you require further information, please ask us. We will be happy to help you.
Symbol for strength exercise
Endurance exercise symbol
Symbol for break time between exercises
The breathing rate of humans at rest
Training volume per minute; to determine the resistance RES, treating physicians/therapists have three different aperture diameters at their disposal: A, B or C. After selecting the appropriate orifice, the adjustment mechanism is locked by pressing and thus locked for the patient.
(Maximal inspiratory pressure MIP, is also referred to as Pimax)—Maximal inspiratory pressure is a parameter of respiratory muscle strength.
A parameter of respiratory muscle endurance. It is defined as the time to onset of respiratory pump fatigue (muscle fatigue) during exercise breathing against a given inspiratory resistance.
(Stenosis = narrowing)—Stenosis breathing is the difficult inhalation and exhalation due to a narrowing of the upper airways.
Shortness of breath, pronounced shortness of breath
Worsening of an already existing, chronic disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Here, constriction as well as inflammation of the airways occurs. Smoking is considered the main cause of COPD. Cough, sputum and shortness of breath are the common symptoms.
This disease results in the formation of a viscous mucus in organs of the body, including the lungs.
A very strong change in the shape of the chest
A disorder of the function of the diaphragm
Malformation of the thorax or chest wall